Health Disparities within Rural Communities
The Arizona Center for Rural Health (ACRH) has in-depth information about health disparities and their impacts within rural communities. This article summarizes existing information available on the ACRH website. Click here to view the original page, or continue reading for a summary:
What is the definition of health disparities? Health disparities are known as differences in the incidence, prevalence, death, and burden of diseases and health events that exist among specific groups.
Rural communities are known to experience health disparities at a higher proportion than urban communities. For example, there is a higher prevalence for both chronic illnesses and disabilities among rural areas in the United States.
What are some specific reasons as to why health disparities are seen at higher rates among rural communities? Compared to residents of urban areas, rural residents are typically older, fall within a lower socioeconomic status, experience more health issues (e.g., chronic conditions, injury, etc.). The table below provides specific examples of the discrepancies between urban and rural areas for these factors that contribute to higher disparity rates.
How can healthcare providers reduce the burden of chronic illness among the population they serve?
Healthcare providers can reduce the burden of chronic illness among their patients through multiple ways. A few of these ways are summarized below.
The information provided above has been adapted from The Rural Health Information Hub. Click here to view the original article. |